Re: When is an HR Department Necessary ?
This question has literally jolted me! I thought for a while and can now say that HR Department is not required for an organisation untill and unless there is a need... - for reducing Manpower - complying with labour laws - justifying those decisions of the management which take benefits away from the employees - for finding someone on whom the Management can put blames for non performance, low morale, demotivation, etc.
I have satiring not becuase I want to sound funny, but for what I have experienced in my 13 years career so far. Unless you are working for an organisation where the Top management supports the HR initiatives, you are bound to face instances where you'd be made to feel that you are caught in a wrong job! The day seems still far off when, especially in Indian context, HR will be treated as an investment and not an expense. Till then, companyies will continue to have a HR Department, not from the point of individual and organisational developmental purpose, but more from the point of counting the heads. Prashant Das