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indian colture and management

January 6, 2010 07:20 AM 1
Total Posts: 8
Join Date: September 2, 2009
Rank: Beginner
Post Date: January 1, 1970
Posts: 8
Location: India

indian colture and management

A country having many logical process in its each and every activity, named as INDIA. Especiaaly there is something in name:

Why INDIA is called as BHARAT? in old days a community of AARYAs and the king of them was BHARAT from this the country get its name as BHARAT.

As the country represent the HINDU SANSKRITI it called as HINDUSTAN. And at last from the name Union Of INDIA it becomes INDIA. Which means

In INDIA we can find more than one 4 main religions and many sub religions. each religion is having many sub religions.

every religions having separate holy books.

MAHARASTRIANS having "GURU CHARITRA" as their their holy book. In which the crux of HOW TO LIVE QUALITATIVE LIFE is given.

Let us having examples of it... Why to get up early in the morning? answer is, if we want a great success in life we need to work more and in fresh mood. now in early morning we are getting much more freshness than any other time of the day and as we have started our work from early morning we can get much time for work.

In MARATHI culture the pattern of having meal is- first RICE then BREAD(Roti or Puri) and at last again RICE. WHy?----- it is because the main food which provide energy to body is BREAD(Roti or Puri). so if any thing goes wrong after having meal and the food come out of body by any means the main food which provide worth to our body remain inside of the body.

We INDIANs are instrument lover that's why we use to worship our insruments which we use in our day to day life. for instance, When we start day with praying "BHUMI" we being thankfut to it that it provide us a piece of land for survival.

There are many things which provide us a lot of knowledge and a qualitative life from our day to day life. that is why we keep on telling to world "INDIA IS A GREAT"